
Making a Donation

1. Write a Crossed Cheque payable to:
Kuching High School Board of Management
EITHER - bank in to our account at : Maybank a/c 511234011906
OR – deliver your cheque to our office by hand or by mail
OR – inform us by telephone to pick up from you.

2. By Direct Bank Transfer, payable to :
Kuching High School Board of Management
Maybank a/c 511234011906
Deliver, fax or email copy of your bank-in slip with your name, telephone contact, fax no. and email contact to us.

3. By Installment using Standing Instruction (SI) from your bank
Go to your bank, sign up for a Standing Instruction (SI) to arrange for 12 monthly installments and obtain an acknowledgement from the bank.
Deliver, fax or email copy of the acknowledgement with your name, telephone contact, fax no. and email contact to us.

4. By cash donation
Please hand over your cash donation to designated locations at

-Kuching High School
-Kuching Teochew Association

You may choose not to disclose your details and still contribute to our Charity. We are committed to protecting your privacy.

We are able to accept regular payment by standing order. For this option, contact us for the procedures.

Always ask for an official receipt from Kuching High Rebuilding Committee upon your donation.

This is a wonderful way of increasing the value of your donation. The Government wants to encourage individuals and businesses to give more to charity and so offers a range of tax incentives which help you, the Charity concerned or both. Provided that you are a Malaysian Tax Resident individual or corporate, you could make this claim on your self assessment tax return. *
Please contact us for the tax exemption receipt if your donation is RM10,000 and above.

*Subject to inland revenue Department’s approval.